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Session Name: Independent Games Summit: The Four-Day Workweek: Advantages and Complications
Speaker(s): Tanya X. Short
Company Name(s): Kitfox Games
Track / Format: Independent Games Summit

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Overview: Kitfox is in its third year of a 4-day workweek, only 8 hours per day. It's a massively popular policy at the studio, such that 50% of their staff said in a survey that if they had to change jobs, they would need double their salary to return to 5-days per week, and 30% said they "probably could not be persuaded" to return to 5 days at all. Their Captain and co-founder Tanya X. Short steps up to delve into the details of their implementation, in all its snaggy, hiccupy glory. How do you account for federal holidays, or taxes, or contractors, or employee resilience? And the million-dollar question, she'll even dare to answer "Is it as productive?", with as much evidence as she can muster.

Game Developers Conference 2024

Tanya X. Short

Kitfox Games

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Independent Games Summit

Independent Games