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Session Name:

A Peek Behind the Shoji: Japan's Videogame Market Today


You've heard all about the complexities of marketing games in Japan, the barriers to entry, and the alleged tastes of Japanese consumers. Well, nothing is impossible, and today, the landscape of Japan's videogame market is very different from what it was a few years ago, when those generalizations were formed. This discussion builds on the speaker's session last year about how to make your game successful in Japan, and focuses on answering many of the questions the previous session raised about the precise nature of the Japanese videogame market. The topics of discussion include an overview and update of the market, retreating and developing trends, the changing shape of gaming, following the Yen to mobile content, abandoning the negative image of non- Japanese games, high sales of US and European developed, titles such as Medal of Honor and GTA3, introduction of the "CERO" rating system, and looking forward to more mature videogames.

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